April 20th, 2024
by Max Muller
by Max Muller

Those of us in our early earning years must ask ourselves how much of our income is being spent unnecessarily. Biblical giving is sacrificial giving and will result in there being “things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them.” How many times a week do you eat out? How often do you buy coffee? What entertainment platforms are you paying for? These questions and more show us where spending could be reduced and consequently how we can give generously. A practical method to analyze your spending habits is to budget. Although it will take a bit of work and time, budgeting using one of the many available mediums will be beneficial as you look to give toward the only everlasting kingdom.
In the previous post, we discussed how a lack of income during the college years could keep individuals from experiencing the joy of giving. This post will continue by outlining another obstacle students face in the realm of financial stewardship.
Obstacle 2: “I will only be a member here for a few years so I will wait to give until I find my permanent church.”
It is true that most students who are regularly attending or are members of a church while in school will relocate once their degree has finished. But this temporary reality should not hinder our giving. In 2 Cor. 8-9, Paul uses the churches in Macedonia as an example to encourage the church in Corinth to give financially to the afflicted church in Jerusalem. These Macedonian churches are characterized in two ways that would seem contradictory to the modern mind: having an abundance of joy and being in extreme poverty. In this extreme poverty, the churches were willing to give to the collection for those brothers and sisters in the Jerusalem church whom they most likely had never met. Brothers and sisters that were ministered to in distinct local churches. They gave to churches that would not affect the personal ministry they were experiencing, and they did it with abundant joy.
This case demonstrates that our generosity should not be dependent upon how much a particular church or ministry specifically affects us. Just like the Macedonians, if a church is founded upon the gospel and is healthy according to the Bible’s standards, we should experience joy in partnering with it in the mission of the gospel! Therefore, college students, find joy and be generous to the current church you are attending. Though you may not feel the effect of your giving, you can be assured that the funds will be used to promote gospel ministries.
Many times, I have heard the following remark from fellow students: “I wish I was more connected to my church.” An antidote for this feeling of disconnection is through the habit of consistent financial giving. Your money is a compass needle pointing to the desires of your heart. Giving to your church will only increase your heart for it. Your interactions with the church body will change. Your passion for the ministries of the church will change. Instead of being a mere spectator, giving provides the spark to spur you on to seek greater connection within your local body.
I hope that these brief posts will cause any young adult members of local churches to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Let’s change the “hush-hush” stigma of financial stewardship into a topic that is talked about openly in the church. Ask members of your church how they are doing in making Christ the Lord of their wallets. College students, why wouldn’t you want to experience the joy of giving? Get in the game and experience the thrill of having a share in the kingdom of God!
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (rev. ed; New York: Harper-Collins, 2001 [orig. 1952]). 86.
Some of the apps and websites available include Every Dollar: Budget Tracker, Zeta, and Empower Personal Dashboard.
In the previous post, we discussed how a lack of income during the college years could keep individuals from experiencing the joy of giving. This post will continue by outlining another obstacle students face in the realm of financial stewardship.
Obstacle 2: “I will only be a member here for a few years so I will wait to give until I find my permanent church.”
It is true that most students who are regularly attending or are members of a church while in school will relocate once their degree has finished. But this temporary reality should not hinder our giving. In 2 Cor. 8-9, Paul uses the churches in Macedonia as an example to encourage the church in Corinth to give financially to the afflicted church in Jerusalem. These Macedonian churches are characterized in two ways that would seem contradictory to the modern mind: having an abundance of joy and being in extreme poverty. In this extreme poverty, the churches were willing to give to the collection for those brothers and sisters in the Jerusalem church whom they most likely had never met. Brothers and sisters that were ministered to in distinct local churches. They gave to churches that would not affect the personal ministry they were experiencing, and they did it with abundant joy.
This case demonstrates that our generosity should not be dependent upon how much a particular church or ministry specifically affects us. Just like the Macedonians, if a church is founded upon the gospel and is healthy according to the Bible’s standards, we should experience joy in partnering with it in the mission of the gospel! Therefore, college students, find joy and be generous to the current church you are attending. Though you may not feel the effect of your giving, you can be assured that the funds will be used to promote gospel ministries.
Many times, I have heard the following remark from fellow students: “I wish I was more connected to my church.” An antidote for this feeling of disconnection is through the habit of consistent financial giving. Your money is a compass needle pointing to the desires of your heart. Giving to your church will only increase your heart for it. Your interactions with the church body will change. Your passion for the ministries of the church will change. Instead of being a mere spectator, giving provides the spark to spur you on to seek greater connection within your local body.
I hope that these brief posts will cause any young adult members of local churches to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Let’s change the “hush-hush” stigma of financial stewardship into a topic that is talked about openly in the church. Ask members of your church how they are doing in making Christ the Lord of their wallets. College students, why wouldn’t you want to experience the joy of giving? Get in the game and experience the thrill of having a share in the kingdom of God!
C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (rev. ed; New York: Harper-Collins, 2001 [orig. 1952]). 86.
Some of the apps and websites available include Every Dollar: Budget Tracker, Zeta, and Empower Personal Dashboard.
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